Many of us are in need of healing in some area; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The wounds are often so old that they become a part of our daily lives, almost normal to us. But I believe that the Lord is constantly offering an invitation to us to be healed, if we just answer His call.
In Luke 13: 11-16, is the story of the woman who was crippled and bowed for 18 years. The Bible says that she could not "lift herself up." Meaning she couldn't foster her own healing, she had no freedom but a limited range of motion and of sight. She had been in this state for so long it was now a way of life to only see at a certain level and to be able to operate with limited ability. Her condition was closed in and uncomfortable, especially in the early days. But after 18 years, it was a position she was used to.
The Bible says that Jesus saw her and called her to him. That's the invitation. He sees your condition/position and knows not only how you got there, but how to get you out. He is calling you to himself so that you can get the healing you so desparately need.
The crippled woman had to respond to Jesus for him to lay his hands on her. She was literally invited into His presence. He then laid his hands on her and she was immediately made straight - healed! She then glorified God. The next scripture talks about how some of the religious folks had a problem with this healing because it was done on the Sabbath. Jesus called them hypocrites and told them that if they call loose their oxen to get water on the Sabbath, why can't this woman be loosed from the bonds of Satan on the Sabbath? Some folks may not understand or agree with the way your healing came about. It may fall outside of their defined parameters of how God is "supposed" to operate. But do not let them stop you from getting your healing and glorify God. Don't confuse the ritual with righteousness. Accept the invitation to get in the Lord's presence. He may be calling you to read the Bible more, to shut off the TV and just hear from him, pray more or just journal the thoughts that he gives you. That's exactly how this blog came to life. Answer the call and be healed this day!
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