How often have you heard the phrase "God has a plan for your life." Some folks hear that phrase and then they sit back and wait for the 'plan' to come as if its a package from FED Ex. It's almost like we sit back and expect to unwrap the box and say "yep that's the plan, all laid out in front of me." However, the plan doesn't come so cut and dry most times. Could it be that the plan is unfolding even as you are reading this blog? Could it be that all of your trials and dilemmas and frustrations you are facing right now are a part of that very plan that God has for your life?
Think about this: God said in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you; thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Therefore our future is already laid out in God's mind. You are already walking in one of the many phases you will go through. The plan for your life is not only one specific thing, but a collection of events, experiences, tests and trials that will shape you to be the man/woman of God you are destined to be. The bible says 'many are the afflicitions of the righteous, but the Lord shall deliver you out of all of them.'
Yes, God does have a plan for your life. And the plan is unfolding right now. We must learn to go through each phase and stage and stop trying to make our own way, out of no way. "In whatever state you are in, be content."
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