Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Not a Heavenly Butler

Butler: def - man servant; usually head servant of the household; paid to serve you, whom he calls master of the house

Have you ever found yourself thinking of God as your "heavenly butler?" Before you shout at me "Not ME, never!" think on this...

When you send a petition to God, you expect to hear yes, correct? After all, the Bible does say ask & you'll receive, seek & you will find, knock & it will open. But what happens when God says "no" or "wait?" How do you react? Some folks (including me) have gotten upset and wondered why not. Lord, why won't this man/woman marry me? (He/she is not the one I designed for you.) Lord, why can't I get this 2007 vehicle? (Because you really can't afford it right now.) Lord, why can't I do this, that and the other? (Because it's not your time/it's not for you to do/I'm still preparing you, etc.) Lord, why am I going through this trial? (I bragged to Satan about you like I did about Job. He didn't believe that you could make it either. Keep proving him wrong.)

Aladdin had a genie that would grant his wishes. All he had to do was rub that lamp, out pops the genie who calls Aladdin master and asks what can he do for him. As Christians we do not intend to take advantage of God and make Him our servant like the genie. But as humans, we want what we want, when we want it. And can get caught up in expecting God to answer ALL of our prayers a certain way. God really does love us and He wants to give us the desires of our hearts. But if the desire is detrimental, aren't you glad that God can see it before we can? Maybe you can't afford that 2007 vehicle this year, but you may be able get that 2008 BEFORE it hits the lot.

Trust God with all thine heart... and lean not unto thy own understanding. (In other words, just go with the flow of God's plan for your life!)

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