In their efforts to possess the Promised Land, the children of Israel were told to drive out the inhabitants that were living in Canaan. God said that if they obeyed this instruction, He promised to help them win their battles. But instead of driving out the inhabitants, the Israelites got a little "friendly." They married into the Canaanite families, took on their idol worship and other practices. As a result they never fully possessed the Promised Land and eventually fell into capitivity. (Judges 1). Something that Joshua warned them about, saying that if they go back and cleave to a remnant of these nations that there would be hefty price to pay. (Joshua 23:12)
Sometimes God instructs us to get rid of or "drive out" some things in our life. These are things that are keeping from us from walking in victory, and possessing whatever the Promised Land is for us. But instead of driving these things away, we start to remember the good times and try to compromise. Hanging on to just a remnant of the very thing that is actually killing us spiritually. These things later become a snare for our souls, leading us into Satan's captivity. God told the Israelites since they proved to be unfaithful to Him, that these inhabitants would now be a thorn in their sides, and their gods would be a snare unto them (Judges 2:3). The only thing the Israelites could do was cry.
Let's not even consider the consequences of disobedience, because the rewards of sacrifice are so much better. If God says drive it out, put the pedal to the medal and be blessed.
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